
Thursday, 21 May 2015

Photography || My Polaroid Camera


By now  you've  probably  seen  the  Fujifilm  Instax  cameras  all  over the  internet  and are  fed of people posting  pictures  of their cute  little  polaroid prints, huh?  That's  how  I felt  til  I finally  gave  into  the hype  and bought  one  for myself.  Admittedly  a  lot  of my  bitterness  was  caused by  jealously,  I was secretly  thinking the  whole  time  ah  man they're  cool, and  desperate  to get  my hands  on one. 

There's  something special  about  having  a  physical  photo you  can hold  in your hand nowadays. Without  sounding  like  an old lady  its  pretty  rare  now  that  we  actually  print  photos  what  with phones having  such good cameras  and aps  on them  we  can edit  them  with and  share  them  on the  internet who even needs  an actual  camera  anymore  (I do that's  for sure).  When  I first  used mine  a  friend  of mine  said 'But  how  do you  put  it  on facebook?'  but  that's  what  makes  it  special  if you  want  it's  your special  piece  of a  moment  that  you  can actually  physically  hold  and choose  to share  (I know  you can  choose  to share  or not  share  any  photo,  but  there's  something  nice  and nostalgic  about  not  being able  to do it  at  the  click of a  button – or taps  on a  screen seeing  as  phones  don't  have  many  buttons, now  I really  do sound like  an old lady). 

So you've  probably  seen  plenty  of the  Instax Mini  8's  which come  in a  variety  of  bright  and wonderful  colours  (which I have  to admit  I was  pretty  tempted by). I however went  for the  Instax 90 -Neo Classic  which  is  the  more  advance  model  appealing to  the  more  advance  photographer  as  it has  a  variety  of settings. I have  to admit  I was  drawn in by  the  appearance  I love  the  more  retro  look of this  camera  with a  leather  and metal  effect  finish and the  fact  it's  a  lot  more  compact  than the Mini  8 so fits  into your bag  easier.  The  camera  unlike  other  instant  models  also has  a  rechargeable battery,  which  is  always  a  big  plus  in my  book as  it  saves  a  lot  of money  on buying  batteries  (even rechargeable  individual  batteries  are  still  pricey). One  thing  I love  is  the  fact  the  camera  has  two shutter  buttons  perfect  for positioning the  camera  for both  landscape  and portrait  photos.  The settings  on the  back  include  a  timer,  flash control,  macro,  lighten/darken  option  and mode  which allows  you  to flick  through a  selection  of options  like  on a  digital  camera.

 I'll  have  to admit  the  film  is  pretty  pricey  at  around £10 for a  pack  of 10 shots  I won't  be  whipping it out  all  the  time, but  for special  occasion  it's  definitely  worth it  and gives  a  special  touch. 

Cloee xoxo

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