
Thursday, 28 May 2015

Books || Harry Potter || The Goblet of Fire

'It matters not what someone is born, but what they grow to be'

After a rocky start of being subjected to the Dursley's new diet in attempt to shift some of Dudley's
weight this may be Harry's best summer yet. His friend Ron Weasley's dad managed to get tickets
for the final of the Qudditch World Cup, and of course Harry is invited to join them and escape the
Dursley's for the rest of the summer. However the trip to the world cup isn't all fun and games as the
dark mark is cast across the sky signalling the dark lord's return, giving some explanation as to why
Harry's scar has been hurting. Each year at Hogwarts is eventful for Potter, so far he has faced the
dark lord twice, his ever loyal servant who he thought was dead and the man who supposedly killed
him.. who turned out to be his godfather, Sirius Black. However this year is extra special for
everyone as the Triwizard Tournament is taking place at Hogwarts, a competition between three
wizarding schools and a series of deathly challenges. Despite the fact there are only supposed to be
three champions (all over the age of 17 also) somehow Harry's name emerges from the Goblet of
Fire... and after all rules are rules he must now step up to the challenge and take part in the
tournament. Hermione has taken her own challenge this year and dedicated herself to the cause of
justice for house elves, and we see the return of Dobby (a free elf) who has returned to work and
taken employment in the Hogwarts kitchen. Harry however has much more important things to
worry about of course as he faces dragons, merepeople and after the final challenge goes horribly
wrong, Voldemort. This time however he is back for good and both him and Dumbledore know this
is only the start of things to come.

Favourite moments/Comments:
The Weasleys attempts at muggle post, despite Mr Weasleys obsession with Muggles and working
in that department at the Ministry of Magic they have sent a letter completely covered with stamps.

Bless them, at least they tried to do the right things by asking the Dursley's permission, even if they
couldn't care less where Harry spends the rest of the summer as long as it's not at their house.
Ron's letter to Harry once again... either way they'll be there five o'clock Sunday. After all it's not
like the Weasley's haven't kidnapped Harry before.

The start to Weasley's Wizard Wheezes and Fred and George's perfect victim, of course by
'accidently' dropping toffee they knew Dudley the fat git would eat it and the Dursley's would refuse
the help of magic to fix the situation... until his tongue was four feet long of course.

Even wizards show ignorance to people from other countries 'The Bulgarians are insisting we add
another twelve seats to the Top Box' .. 'I thought the chap was asking to borrow a pair of tweezers.
Bit of a strong accent.' As one of the people in charge of the Qudditch World Cup Mr Bagman really
should try to communicate with his foreign counterparts a little better

The Qudditch World Cup over all is of course one of my favourite parts of the book/series.
'Every time the Muffle have got anywhere near here all year, they've suddenly remembered urgent
appointments and had to dash away... Bless them' I couldn't put it better than Mr Weasley 'Bless

Ron's great use of the Omnioculars 'I can make that old block down there pick his nose again.. and
again... and again' LOVELY. And his catching the gold to give to Harry so he now has to buy him a
Christmas present as well as the Omioculars.

Muggle 'Please-men' … OH Wizards hahaha

Filch's attempt to stop any fun, his banned items list has now reached 437 items. OH JOY.

Dumbledore starting to tell a joke before Mcgonagall stops him 'A troll, a hag and a leprechaun all
went into a bar...' and we'll never know the punchline

It's taken me until this far into my re-read to realise how much Hogwarts students eat. It's a shock
they're not all obese, they seem to have a full dinner at lunch time (as they sit and have lamb chops
and roast potatoes) before having an equally large meal at dinner time as well as desert, not to
mention the many many feasts. This lot could clearly do with going on Dudley's diet.

Malfoy being turned into a ferret. But Transfiguration is SUCH a good punishment, Snape's not
going to do anything anyway.

Hagrid shall be taking care of the Beauxbaton's horse who 'only drink single malt whiskey'.. yes that
definitely won't be a problem for him.

Hermione trying to get Hagrid to sign up for her help the house elves campaign by using Dobby
who want's to be paid as an example 'Well there's a few weirdos in every breed'. Very true but it will
still not stop us loving Dobby.

'Unless you swapped its fangs for wine gums or something' of course Hermione chooses a muggle
sweet for her comparison rather than choosing a wizarding sweet.

Dobby's return!!! Who doesn't love Dobby, and what he calls Dumbledore is hilarious even if it is a
little disrespectful 'He said we is free to call him a – a barmy old codger if we likes, sir!' this and
payment and time off seems like a pretty good deal for a house elf.

I like that despite being Wizards there are the typical teenage drama's such as Ron and Harry
bafflement about how to approach females
'How're you supposed to get one on their own to ask them?' 'Lasso one?'

Dobby's Christmas present to Harry, two odd handmade socks one red with broomsticks, the other
bright green with snitches, he tried bless him and of course clearly knows Harry. He seemed most
baffled and slightly offended when Harry tried to give him an actual pair of socks.

Krum's pronunciation 'Herm-own-ninny'...'Her-my-oh-nee' incase after four books we're unclear on
how on earth to say her name.

Dobby helping Harry before the second task 'Dobby cannot let Harry Potter loose his Wheezy'

Mrs Weasley and Bill turning up to support Harry in the final task, knowing that the Dursleys of
course wouldn't, she's just such a loving mother even to children who aren't her own. I also love
how noble she is that even how awful the Dursleys continually are to Harry she will not say a bad
word against them.

Harry and Cedric's bickering over who gets to take the Triwizard Cup. JEEEZE will one of you
please take it I am literally fed up of reading 'no you take it'

Harry giving his tournament winnings to Fred and George to help fund Weasleys Wizard Wheezes
'We could all do with a few laughs. I have a feeling we're going to need them more then usual
before long'. Even after the dark events of the tournament there is some hope and optimism

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