'So you did see you father last night Harry... you found him inside yourself.'
Oddly summer was Harry Potter's least favourite time of year. Unlike most other people his age he
loved being at school, that's because he attended Hogwarts, the finest school for witches and
wizards there ever was. The holidays meant he had to return to his Aunt and Uncle's who hated all
things magic... that included him, this summer was even worse than the previous as he couldn't
escape to his friend Ron Weasley's as he was on holiday in Egypt visiting his older brother AND his
Uncle's sister Marge was coming, she seemed to loath Harry even more than the Dursley's did.
Blowing her up definitely didn't help him either. Harry's past two years at Hogwarts had been
somewhat eventful he'd already come face to face with the dark Lord Voldemort twice, but this year
a different villain has come on the scene, the notorious murdered Sirius Black who has done the
impossible and escaped from the wizard prison Azakban. The guards of the prison, strange creatures
named dementors are now roaming the grounds of Hogwarts in attempt to stop Black getting in, but
not only do they seem to be failing, but they seem to have an especially strange effect on Harry as
he seems unable to stay conscious around them. Third year is an exciting year for Hogwarts
students as they are allowed to take on new subjects, Hermione seems to be taking everything on
the list, much to Ron and Harry's amazement as surely she can't be in two places at once.. can she?
Their Divination teacher appears to be crazy claiming that the student who will die this year is
Harry, having faced death two years in a row at Hogwarts this is hardly a shock, but it is an odd
coincidence that he keeps seeing the omen the grim. Thanks to the help of the Weasley twins and
their friends Mooney, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs and of course his dad's old cloak Harry is able
like other third years to visit the local village Hogsmeade, although trouble as usual seems to follow
him. The end of the year seems to be as turbulent as ever as Hagrid faces trial after one of his
classes went wrong (no thanks to Malfoy) and the trio come face to face with Black, but at least
Gryffindor finally won the Qudditch cup.
Favourite moments/Comments:
Ron's letter to Harry, the letters are always some of my favourite moments in the books. Ron's to
Harry this year was full of laughable moment's which are why we love Ron so much 'I'm really
sorry about the telephone call... I asked dad and he reckons I shouldn't have shouted' wizards of
course are not aware that you can still hear people perfectly well on the phone and 'Don't let the
muggles get you down!'... such a great sign off.
Ever wondered how the kids seem to get things whilst at Hogwarts and unable to get to
Hogsmeade... Owl order of course (it's simple details like that, that make me love the Harry Potter
books even more). Or as my sister named it OWL-azon... I found this hilarious, it was most witty
for her.
I love the Wizarding descriptions of muggle objects, this one in particular I loved 'While muggles
have been told Black is carrying a gun (a kind of metal wand muggles use to kill each other)
Ron's mocking Hermione 'Mum and Dad gave me some money to get myself an early birthday
present' 'How about a nice book?' Ron said innocently. It's surprising that this isn't what Hermione
buys with it to be fair.
Professor Mcgonagall's mocking of Professor Trelawney, because let's just admit it Trelawney is
just a crazy bitch. 'Then you should know Sybill Trelawney has predicted the death of one student a
year since she arrived at this school... You look in excellent health to me, Potter, so you will excuse
me if I don't let you off homework today. I assure you that if you die, you need not hand it in' …
Well at least that's something, although not the best way to avoid Mcgonagall's homework.
Hufflepuff mockery before the qudditch match, because who doesn't love to. 'Oliver, calm down!'
said Fred looking slightly alarmed. 'We're taking Hufflepuff very seriously. Seriously'
Snape taking five points from Gryffindor for Hermione being 'an insufferable know it all' we all
know it to be true, but its a ridiculous reason to take housepoints even for Snape. At least Ron is
happy to defend Hermione, looking back I love watching the pairs relationship grow in each book
'You asked us a question and she knows the answer! Why ask if you don't want to be told?'
'I solemnly swear I am up to no good' and 'Mischief managed' the Marauder's Map is possibly one
of my favourite Hogwarts artefacts... I must buy myself one.
'ER- shall I make a cup of tead?' said Ron... 'It's what my mum does whenever someone's upset,'
Even in the wizarding world tea is the answer
'Pity you can't attach an extra arm to yours, Malfoy' said Harry. 'Then it could catch the Snitch for
you.' You have to love some smack talk between Harry and Malfoy.
As usual the qudditch commentary is up there, this one of course is made all the better by Lee
Jordan's constant commentary on the Firebolt rather than the actual match... if they ever needed
someone to do an advert there's a clear candidate here.
Hermione punching Malfoy, it has to be one of the greatest moments in Harry Potter EVER. GO
Harry's realisation that it was him not his father who produced the patronus.
Snape being proven wrong. How could Harry and Hermione have saved Sirius when they were
locked in.. hmmmm?
Dumbledore is such a joker, possibly even more so than the Weasley twins (regarding Trelawney)
'Who'd have thought it? That brings her total of real predictions up to two. I should offer her a
Once again Hogwarts teachers have no knowledge of percentages as Hermione gets an incredible
three hundred and twenty percent in her muggle studies exam (unsurprising as she is muggle born
after all) although as she rightly points out Ron could do with taking it as he thinks he now knows
how to use the 'fellytone'
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