
Monday, 18 May 2015

Books || All I Know Now - Carrie Hope Fletcher

I have purchased quite a few Youtuber books in the past six months from Grace's Guide to Girl
Online I'm a fan of them. There is a tiny part of me that is annoyed that there are so many of them
getting book deals now, but you can't blame publishers for responding to what's popular and putting
it out on the market and I have enjoyed all of those I've read. This book however is different to
those that have come before Carrie approached and searched out publishers to develop her blog into
a physical book, and wrote and illustrated the whole thing herself (that is in no-way a dig at ghostwriting by the way) and the book completely oozes her personality she shares online.

I've watched Carrie's videos for about two years now, I find them to be such a refreshing change
from the beauty and fashion videos that tend to dominate Youtube. Carrie is just so humble, bubbly
and down-right lovely which has earned her the reputation as honarary big sister to hundreds of
girls all over the world. She's not afraid to speak in an upfront manner about issues that may affect
her predominately teen audience, offering help and advice in any way she can (although always
admitting she's not an expert on whatever she's talking about.. which I LOVE). Of course everyone
can't be happy 100% of the time as she has stated herself, but she does try to be positive as much as
possible (as I myself have realised this really does help). As a Youtuber and Actress who has
performed in the West End from an early age Carrie has of course had some incredible experiences
and opportunities during her 22 years, but of course she has been through those things many people
go through growing up, bullying, anxiety and heartbreak.


The book is a guide on how to be an all round lovely person and how to learn from the mistakes we
make in life rather then dwell on them, it's all about moving forward and turning them into
something positive. Carrie is wise beyond her years in this book, sharing her own experiences and
offering support in anyway she can as she stated in videos about the book it was her aim to help and
if the book could bring comfort to one person and help them her job would be done. As the book is
about 'growing up' I didn't really think it would have that much effect on me as someone who is at a
similar age to Carrie, I am technically a grown up who still bought the book because I'm a fan who
was curious. However I was pleasantly surprised about how much the book taught me about life and
as I said being an all round lovely person. Like Carrie I'm not afraid to say I've made mistakes, I've
done things in my life I'm not proud of, but I never regret them it's all about picking yourself back
up and carrying on. As someone who often dwells on things for too long, this book definitely has
given me a boost in being positive, after all there are millions of people in this world who have
problems or woes on a daily basis and me shouting about my insignificant problems like the bus
being late is trivial... there's no point moaning just for the sake of it. I also loved the section about
judging people, it's something a lot of us do and think of as harmless but once again it's something
negative we could do without doing constantly, everyone in this world has different tastes and
commenting on someone else's and scrutinising it is pointless because they probably have a similar
opinion of us. Infused with her own stories Carrie gives us little ways to improve ourselves just like
she has done herself.

Filled with Harry Potter and Disney references this book oozes Carries characteristic warmth and
storytelling as seen in her youtube videos. Divided into scenes and acts reflecting her passion for
the theatre only emphasises how truly personal this book is and how special is is to Carrie. Filled
with extra resources of numbers and websites at the back (in the Props section) supports what Carrie
has always said that she is not an expert and there are professionals out there if you need more help.
This book is not just another Youtuber book, so don't dismiss it as that. If there's a teen in your life
then I'd recommend giving it to them as gift because it speaks through in a calm and positive
manner all those things we go through growing up, making them seem normal and giving us a warm
hug at the same time.

Cloee xoxo

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