
Friday, 5 June 2015

Books || Harry Potter || The Deathly Hallows

'After all this time?' 'Always.'

It should be Harry's final year at Hogwarts, only this year he's not going back. With Dumbledore gone Voldemort has taken full control of the wizarding world, the ministry and Hogwarts included. Before he died Dumbledore left Harry an important task to complete and along with Ron and Hermione he's going to set out to complete it, as soon as Bill and Fleurs wedding is over of course (or else God knows what Mrs Weasley would do).
The ministry take over happens on the evening of the wedding and for Harry and his friends it's no longer save, they have to go now, find and destroy the Horcruxes in order to have a chance of defeating Voldemort once and for all. But the question is where on earth do they start, Dumbledore has only told them there are seven but not what any of them are, let alone where they will be. It's going to be tough but if there's anyone who can defeat Voldemort it's Harry after all only one can live whilst the other survives.

Favourite moments:

The dedication of the book, split into seven parts and in the shape of a lightning bolt

'The idea of a teenage Dumbledore was simply odd, like trying to imagine a stupid Hermione or a friendly Blast-Ended Screwt' - it's true what's Dumbledore without his beard

Dudley finally showing some apprecation  toward Harry after all this time, even if there's not a thank you the acknowledgement of he's not useless because he did save his life is at least something. A small but significant something. 

'I'm George... Can't you even tell us apart when we're Harry'
'Sorry George-'
'I'm only yanking your wand, I'm Fred really-'
-Ah nothing beats a classic bit of Fred and George humour

Mrs Weasley's generous birthday gift to Harry and the fact she has always treated him as one of her own is just topped of by the fact she passed on something that was owned by someone in the family and the fact Harry 'tried to put a lot of unsaid things into that hug and perhaps she understood them'

Ron's brotherly defense of Ginny after he catches Harry kissing her, despite being best friends there are always lines. 

Kreacher finally making them dinner, its unnerving but nice in a strange way. 

Harry seeing his parents grave for the first time

The fact Bathilda Bagshot is referred to as 'nutty as squirrel poo' seems a rather muggle turn of phrase but nonetheless amusing

The Tale of the Three Brothers, probably my favourite of the tales of the Beedle and the Bard

The picture of Ron, Harry, Hermione, Ginny and Neville on Luna's wall with the word friends 'They were not moving as the portraits at Hogwarts moved, but there was a certain magic about them'

The Potterwatch radio broadcast and the fact Lee Jordan has known perfectly where to move his talents (given that there's probably no Qudditch after the Deatheater take over) and Fred and George's squabbling over who will have what name. [Regarding Voldemort] 'the fact remains he can move faster than Severus Snape confronted with shampoo when he wants to'

The fact the Ravenclaw commonroom doesn't have a password at all but their logic is tested and they must answer a riddle, just brilliant!

Mcgonagall to the rescue again as she takes down the Carrow's simply with words. 

'Where's Professor Snape?'....
'He has, as to use the common phrase, done a bunk' (Don't even expect Mcgonagall to speak like that again)

The fact that in the war they're going to lob Mandrakes over the wall, is there not some kind of plant protection society that can  stop this madness, and why was this not in the film it would've been highly amusing.

Hermione and Ron's first official kiss (that we know of) - guys seriously after all this time and build up we're happy but there's a war going on. 

Ron punching Malfoy from under the cloak, after they save his life for the second time in one night. 

Snapes memories, all of them especially the Hogwarts express, somewhat mirroring Harry's first encounter of Hogwarts at the Madam Malkin's 'Who wants to be in Slytherin? I think I'd leave wouldn't you?' James asked.. 'My whole family have been Slytherin'... 'Blimey.. and I thought you seemed all right!'

Do not pity the dead, Harry. Pity the living, and, above all those who live without love. 

The greatest moment in Harry Potter history 'NOT MY DAUGHTER YOU BITCH!' and the fact Mrs Weasley is determined to fight Bellatrix all on her own after this, the strength of her love for her children is enough to help her win.

Peeve's rhyme 
'We did it, we bashed them, wee Potter's the One, 
And Voldy's gone moudly, so now lets have fun!'

Harry talking to Dumbledore's portrait after all is done about the Hallows... and most importantly repairing his own wand!

Although I disliked the final chapter originally I have to admit it is full of comical moments such as Harry and Ron talking dad issues such as 'Oh so you parked alright then?' and the fact Ron used magic to pass his muggle driving test.
James being disgusted at Teddy Lupin snogging who we can only assume is Bill and Fleur's daughter and Harry's not letting James and Albus share a room so Teddy can live with them because he'd rather the house wasn't destroyed. Hagrid inviting Harry's kids to tea, I only hope Harry warned them not to eat his cooking. 

'Of course it is happening inside your head, Harry, but why on earth should that mean it is not real' 

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