
Friday, 14 August 2015

Getting into Publishing || Helpful Tips and Advice

If you're applying for jobs have a keen interest in the role you're applying for. This may sound obvious but there are a lot of areas in publishing other than editorial and its key to sound passionate about why you want to work there instead of marketing. If you'd prefer something more general then look for Publishing Assistant roles which will give you a more rounded experience of publishing. Make sure you know the publishing house or imprint you're applying for well too! Of course some publish non-fiction only, a mixture of non-fiction and fiction or only children's books, if you can talk about why you love them or books they've published you really enjoyed its only going to help, from personal experience knowing the company well is going to work in your favour.

If you're just searching for experience still show that keen interest in your covering letter, but try different types of jobs til you see which you like the most there's plenty to pick from: Editorial, Marketing, Publicity/PR, Sales, Rights and Design. There's no harm in trying til you find what's right , then you can speak about why you prefer one department to another. If you're only available during the uni or school holidays then I'd advise getting your applications in early because these are the times that fill up the fastest as its when most people are free. I know working for free may not sound the best, but taking unpaid placements can help lead to paid placements which ultimately helps lead to a job. If your in the middle of moving from placement to placement I urge you not to give up and keep a focus on the department you ultimately want to work in, it's what everyone in the industry kept telling me and although it's hard your work will pay off. The more you go into a publisher already knowing how to do the more they'll give you to do. 
To get through doing free placements I worked at kids half term/school holiday camps, I'd done it in the summer whilst I was trying to figure out what to do with my life and it was dependable work every six weeks with a great group of people. So just bear in mind there is always short term work you can do to keep money coming in.

Social media can be your best friend. It's not only a tool for socialising with friends but networking with those in the industry, connect with people who work at places you did work experience, follow plenty of publishing houses (as many as you can, there's more than just the big names) and industry pages, get involved in conversations, tweet about events that interest you or you attend, new or upcoming titles that you're interested in or love - put yourself out there!
Here's some to follow: 

I also have a list you can follow @CloeeC and the list is called publishing includes all of the above and more

If you want to work in publishing another way to show your interest is going to book events, if you can volunteer at them. I volunteered at Wimbledon Bookfest and it stood out on my CV in gaining experience and at interviews and gave something different to talk about (and provides an opportunity to meet people, one of the lovely people who I was working with knew people who worked in a publisher and was more than willing to help and pass on my details). 

Also look for events such as Hachette's Insight into Publishing run at various points in the year is designed to help those looking to get into the industry.
Any way you can show you interest in the many parts of the book trade as you can there are plenty events you can volunteer at and show your interest in the industry, I recently volunteered at one big book launch which was a great night where I was able to meet and talk to many authors traditionally published and self published.

If you're certain that publishing is right for you join the Society of Young Publishers. It's not just for people who already have jobs, it's for those who are searching too! They advertise jobs and internships that aren't elsewhere as well as hosting plenty events where you can meet people like you and young professionals who will be happy to offer help. (

Sign up to feeds such as Book2Book to keep you updated on publishing news, emails are sent daily with plenty of features and goings on. You can always share the ones you love or interest you on social media too! (

YouTube/Blogging another way in which social media can help, get involved by reviewing books and talking about bookish things your interested in. Get started by looking at what's out there before starting your own. You can also sign up to sites like netgalley ( where you can get free ebook versions of books before they are released, all you have to do is provide a review on their site in return and you could always do one on your own site too! 

Booktubers to check out:

Sanne -Books and Quills

Lorna - The Books and the Bees

Lucy - Lucy the reader

Leena - just kiss my frog

Websites to check out:

As this blog post was a lot longer than I anticipated I'll be posting a list of links next week with places to look for work experience and jobs so make sure to come back and check that out. 

Cloee xoxo 

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