
Sunday, 9 August 2015

A Little Chat || Letting Go

In some ways this is a blog post I very much want to and need to write, and in other ways the timing is wrong that it may come out as a rant or it could be perfect. Right now there are a lot of things going on in my head that I need to let out and writing is the perfect way to do that.

Letting go is hard, whether its a certain someone or something or just little insecurities you have its something that personally I struggle with. I tend to hold on and attach great emotional value to things or even places but recently I've had some realisations, mainly because right now things for me are going great everything seems to have finally worked itself out and things that haven't obviously weren't meant to be.

Letting go of people:
The biggest prompt for me writing this blog post. People come and go from our lives all the time and sometimes its for the better. It may not feel like it at the time but eventually it will whether its in a week or months or years you can look back on the good times you had with that person once instead of focusing on the negative feels that also came. I wanted to tell the story of why I wanted to write something on this subject in particular and went through it in my mind several times before making a drastic move (I have a tendency to over think things until making my bold move) but out of respect I'm not going to go through it all because you never know whose reading and what's the point of being a massive bitch on the internet. I'm usually awful at keeping in touch with people, but when it comes to my close friends I will always try my hardest even though it's still not great. HOWEVER communication is a two way thing, it needs give and take, two people putting in effort, especially when distance is involved. If people don't give back and avoid setting dates of when to do things then maybe it's time to accept the loss. Right now I have an amazing group of friends who I've been friends with since high school and through uni and everything that's happened in our lives and even if we don't see each other regularly everything feels the same when we meet up as if we haven't been apart for weeks at a time. In addition to these amazing friends I have an incredible boyfriend who has been so supportive throughout this year when I've constantly doubted myself about achieving my goal has pulled me out of that and is just as supportive now I've finally got there.

Letting go of your comfort zone:
Reason two for writing this post. On Friday night me and a few friends went to visit a friend down in Bournemouth and it was one of the best nights I've had in a very long time. I usually hate clubbing but this time I was able to just let my my hair down and do something I never expected to do (in a positive way). Maybe it was fuelled mainly by the great quantity of alcohol we had, but even so I will look back on how that night ended with fond memories of being free and young. There's something about spontaneity that scares me sometimes, but every time I am spontaneous it ends up being incredibly fun and rewarding. So here's to grabbing life more often and enjoying the moment.

Letting go of insecurities:
So maybe this is similar to the last point, but I want to speak more closely about certain insecurities I have personally. In this past year I have totally embraced being myself and not caring what people think about my little obsessions, I LOVE reading and do it constantly and love to talk about what I've read and the world I have spent the past day or week absorbed in. I also LOVE Harry Potter and  this too has been a huge part of my life. I am a total geek. But who cares... not me anymore thats for sure. These things are all part of me and if people aren't going to accept those things about me then we obviously were never going to be friends. That's totally fine, there are millions upon millions of people in this world who are all unique and we can't all get on.

Anxiety. As a separate note in this section I wanted to talk about it. Like many I suffer and have things that trigger these feelings that bubble up inside of me. I feel now I've accepted it and started to tell people close to me that I suffer with it and that certain situations make me really uncomfortable they don't treat me differently and forgive me if I freak out because I get a tight feeling in my chest and come close to tears if the train is cancelled and I can't get to where I'm going, even if it doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things. Instead of letting it shut myself off now, I'd rather let people know that I'm not feeling okay and they totally understand why I don't want to do something or feel a certain way.

There are plenty more things I could write about in this blog post, but I think I've rambled for long enough now. Letting go of all of these feelings and putting them into words has made me feel a lot better, even if they probably don't make sense.

Cloee xoxo

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