
Friday, 24 April 2015

Music || Mcbusted


Saturday  4th  April  is  a  day  that  would've  made  9/10 year old me  scream  with  delight  seeing Mcbusted.  When I  was  that  age  Busted were  the  'best  band eva', I  wasn't  a  massive  Mcfly  fan at  that age  but  as  I  got  older I  started to love  them  more, especially  after it  was  clear Busted  would  not  be returning, until  I  was  double  that  age  and they  returned as  supergroup Mcbusted. Last  year I  debated going  to  the  Hyde  Park show  but  never got  round to booking  the  tickets, so when their album  and tour was  announced in  late  2014 I  knew  I  HAD  to be  there.  As  a  special  treat  I decided to  book a  ticket  for my  younger sister too  knowing  she  had begun to love  Mcbusted and knew  a  few  of the  classics  I  thought  it  would be  great  as  a  first  concert  experience  for her especially as  it  was  almost  all  seated.

It  had been a  long time  since  I'd  been to a  gig, especially  since  my  last  seated one  since  I  always  opt for standing and I've  never been to  the  O2  so I  honestly  didn't  know  what  to expect. Our seats  were pretty  ideal, although we  were  high up and far from  the  action  our seats  were  right  in the  centre  so we  had the  perfect  view  of everything that  was  going  on (well  done  for me  panicking and getting tickets  in the  presale  and so I  wouldn't  have  to  get  up early  on a  Friday).  As  the  usual  case  with gigs there  were  two support  bands  the  first  was  Symmetry  who my  sister described as  'the  American 5 Seconds  of Summer'  (so stereotypical  pop-punk) and were  pretty  enjoyable.  The  second was  New City  Kings, who we  didn't  enjoy  as  much,  the  music  just  wasn't  as  lively  and sounded the  same  after a  few  songs  in  as  my  sister turned to me  and genuinely  asked 'aren't  they  just  playing  the  second song again?'. 


This  all  lead to  the  main event  MCBUSTED!!!  This  was  honestly  like  no other live  band I've  ever seen before  (I'm  not  just  saying that  because  it  was  about  10 years  of waiting). It  wasn't  just  the simple  playing of songs  with stops  for talking to  the  audience  that  you usually  get, it  was  a  whole planned out  show  that  was  carefully  planned out  and pieced together around the  worlds  largest working arcade  machine.  The  game  began as  each member of the  band/player was  selected and they popped out  on stage  before  beginning with  Air Guitar with a  Guitar Hero simulation  in the background.  

Of  course  much  to my  delight  they  played all  of the  Busted classics  from  Air Hostess  to 3AM  and obviously  ending the  show  on  Year 3000, there  were  even a  few  I'd  forgotten about  such as  'You Said  No'  but  it  was  amazing how  I  still  remembered all  the  words  despite  not  having listened to  it for all  these  years  (I  have  dug  out  my  old Busted  CDs  since  and listened).
The set list included these classics as well as mixtrue  of new  songs  and some Mcfly too -although I wasn't a big Mcfly fan back in the day, I was too busy mourning the loss of Busted. The boyish banter in between of dick jokes, a kisscam and wedding dresses for Crashed the Wedding made for an entertaining show and somewhat  reminiscent of Blink 182 (who were my favourite band during my teens).


If  you didn't  get  the  chance  to see  Mcbusted  this  time  round, I'd  definitely  recommend  it  whether if like  me  its  for the  nostalgia, or like  my  sister you're  a  newer fan it's  equally  as  enjoyable  and a  great experience. If  you did get  the  chance  to  go let  me  know  what  your favourite  part  of the  show  was  in the  comments.

- Cloee  xoxo

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