So to celebrate international Women's Day Youtube have started the #DearMe campaign posing the question 'What advice would you give your teenage self?' It got me thinking what would I say to my younger self if I had the chance so here goes..
Dear Me,
You'll be happy to hear you made it through school and university and through this you become a confident and beautiful person who is no longer happy to sit in the background and hide or constantly puts themselves down, but this is all part of growing up,putting yourself out there and trying new things so stop being afraid and do them already! Whilst high school is a time where everyone is constantly worried about what everyone else is thinking, stop, who cares you won't even see some of these people again past school so who gives a damn what they think of you. Put your friends first because they are the ones who are still with you now, not your boyfriend whilst love might seem important now he won't always be there like your friends and certainly won't be there to pick you up after its all over.
Look after yourself, I know you hate P.E and love chocolate but exercise can actually be fun, well beneficial and remember you did actually like sports at one point.
Surprisingly the spelling Cloee has stuck, although it does cause constant confusion and you will have to tell people over and over why you spell it that way but who cares as long as it's not being spelt Chole (which yes people somehow still do).
Keep up with the crazy colour combinations and throwing together whatever you want to make an outfit, because even though you'll look back one day and think what an earth was I thinking it's all part of experimentation and expressing yourself which is nothing to be ashamed of. Don't think to much of what everyone else thinks, even those who you are close to, if you like a band listen to them or like that bright pink skirt and other people don't -who cares! Don't let everyone rule choices that are yours to make.
Make the most of being at home and with your family. You may want to just shut yourself upstairs every evening and sit on MSN all night until you finally move out to uni, but believe me when I say this - you will miss it! (and you'll definitely miss only having to do a small amount of chores for pocket money compared to doing all of them for free).
Most of all have fun! Enjoy the many concerts you'll go to, read frequently and never give up the enthusiasm you have for bookseven when studying them make take away some of the joy, and you'll soon realise how wonderful being in London is even if it scares you a little now you'll look back and laugh when you find yourself enjoying a commute one day. You'll find yourself doing things you never imagined you would and whilst they don't fit into what you'd planned it's for the best and shapes you into the great person you have become.
Lots of Love
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