
Friday, 20 June 2014

The Start of Something New, Where to go from here.

Recently my undergraduate studies at university came to an end. After endless days a the library, months of reading and numerous cups of tea suddenly everything was over. In a way its all pretty overwhelming, the feelings are strange and numerous. Firstly its a relief not to have to be up at a certain time, getting up at seven in order to be able to just get a seat at the library is not my idea of fun.

As fun as it is to finish a tv series in two days, or spend the whole day reading a book this is only a momentary break in life. It IS important to have those breaks though, sure I may look back on these few weeks thinking wow I did pretty much nothing but after the most important year of my education so far its important to wind down and just pretend that for a while I don't have any responsibilities and think about that when I reach the 'real world'.
As I was reminded by my university careers adviser this is a 'very special time in my life' - extremely corny and yet extremely true at the same time

The only things I can think about now is doing things I love that I've put off for so long and most of all having fun.  So here are some goals I've set for 2014 at the beginning of the year, hopefully now I can achieve them:

-Learn to drive: most people tend to learn straight away but I didn't, at the time I didn't have the money to and I didn't need to. Living in London meant until I was 18 I had a free bus pass and although its extremely tedious why waste money on petrol and parking when I could get the bus for free, now I have to pay its a totally different story and I'm fully entitled to complain about how much it sucks.

-Take more photos: So what with mobile phones and constantly seeing people taking pictures on them this may seem a bit weird. During my A Levels I studied for photography and it was something I really loved, it became a hobby as well as something I had to do, but somewhere in the past few years I've lost that again and seeing as I have a really good camera it seems a shame its just sitting and gathering dust rather than capturing the beauty of the world around me.

-Draw more: I've never been a great artist and still life or the more technical sides of art are not a skill of mine, I'm more into drawing cartoons but again this is something that in the past few years I haven't indulged in as much as I'd liked to.

-Read for pleasure more often: Doing a degree in English ironically limited my time for reading, having a schedule which meant reading one or two books/plays per week meant rushing through books and studying them picking out metaphors or constantly thinking why something has been done, rather than appreciating a book. I don't think in my life I've considered studying anything other than English, but reading a book for pleasure and studying a book are worlds apart. With summer hear and the sun shining its the perfect way to blissfully spend the days

-Be more confident: This is less creative and different from my other goals for the year and probably isn't something that can be done quickly. When I was young I was extremely shy and its something I've overcome gradually across my years, especially since coming to uni. However even at uni I've sometimes I've held myself back not wanting to do things on my own and often sticking within my bubble. Now is finally my chance to escape that and the fact I HAVE to do them on my own.

-Wear less black: This may seem a bit of an odd one but as part of being more confident, especially body confident, I'm trying to push myself to wear different things that are out of my comfort zone. Black is a staple in my wardrobe, as are florals but it felt as if I was getting to the point where I was looking to buy new clothes and stopping myself constantly because it looked like something I already own.
This is something I have actually managed to achieve and definitely want to continue.

-Travel somewhere I haven't been to before: Definitely not very hard, I'm a very inexperienced traveller, our family holidays were always in England, which was never a problem I always had fun and loved where ever I went. It did mean however I didn't get onto a plan until I was seventeen on a school trip to Athens and have only been abroad one time since. Now I'd love to go again, part of me is afraid to do it alone, but another part of me knows I should take this leap now even if I only go for a few days.

-Start blogging/youtube: To say I spend  A LOT of time on the internet is not an understatement, especially on Youtube, and this platform has lead me to reading a lot more blogs and thinking finally I should do this myself. It may be while before I start on vlogging too as I'm not too confident in front of a camera, but I guess this is something to get used to.

-Get an internship/job: Last but not least the most serious. This is something I have definitely been putting off for a long time. Before this year I was always set on teaching, and it was weird to realise I was setting my sights on the wrong goal but also I definitely need a break from education. At the moment I'm looking into publishing because since I've been young books have been my one passion.

So that's a pretty long post but hopefully a pretty good introduction to me and an indication of the kind of things I'll be doing on here