
Monday, 21 July 2014

My summer reading list

The other day I was scrolling through twitter and discovered this gem, the Chapter 5 Summer Reading Challenge, since one of my goals for this year was to read more books I thought this was the PERFECT way to orgnaise mysellf and get set for lazying in the summer sun. So here's what I'll be reading and reviewing on here this summer:

The one you've been meaning to read: The Casual Vacancy - J.K.Rowling 
I've had this one sitting on my kindle unread for a very long time, I was and still am a huge fan of the Harry Potter books and have been dying to find out if Rowling's later attempt at writing for a different audience can live up to the hype 

The Door-stop: Birdsong - Sebastian Faulks
So I started this before but never got round to finish it unfortunately as it didn't actually count toward my A Level coursework, but now I'm free of all essays I'll actually be able to finish it. I wouldn't actually classify it as a doorstop but it's definitely the biggest on the list. 

The one you'll need the tissues for: Me Before You - Jojo Moyes
I am a sucker for a good bit of chick-lit and without a doubt I always cry, I just can't help it.  

The Dystopia:  So far I don't have one disappointingly but if someone has a suggestion for this please let me know! 

The one that's hot off the press:  Her - Harriet Lane
Probably the most recently published book on my Amazon wishlist, I just finished reading Alys Always after getting it from the library and I need to read more by Lane

The one that your friends have been nagging you to read: Angela Carter's Book of Fairy Tales - Angela Carter 
I'm a big fan of fairy tales, but these give you a different perspective on old tales, my friend Brooke has been telling me for ages that I have to read Carter 

The one you judged by its cover: The Runaway Princess- Hester Browne
Its floral and pretty. My weaknesses. Hopefully the book is as good as the cover. 

The start of an epic series: A Game of Thrones - George. R. R.. Martin
Like most people I'm a big fan of the TV show but disappointingly have never read the books, but I'm determined to read them before season 5 starts next year.. I hope

The sequel: The Revenge of Seven - Pittacus Lore 
Book number five in the I am Number Four books is released late this summer and for at least books 3 and 4 I've pre-ordered them for my Dad's birthday as he was the one who got me into them, I only managed to discover them through the film, but the books are a lot better.

The next big thing: One Million Lovely Letters - Jodi Ann Bickley
More people need to know about this book, it just sounds amazing, look up the story behind the book at

The Classic: Jane Eyre - Charlotte Bronte
I confess, as an English Graduate I have somehow never read this book, however about 2 months ago I bought a beautiful copy from an Oxfam bookstore so I've been waiting a while to ease myself into reading any more classic books 

The Hidden Gem: Lolito - Ben Brooks 
Inspired by Lolita which I also loved I want to read this book which brings it into the modern world.